
Silvonic Pro Colloidal Silver Generator Instructions


Silvonic Pro Instructions (downloadable PDF)

Instructions for other Silvonic models:

Original Silvonic with alligator clip cables
Silvonic 1G (gallon unit)
Silvonic Turbo

We have designed the Silvonic Pro Colloidal Silver Generator to automatically make the finest CS with absolutely no technical knowledge or skill on the part of the user. You can set it and let it run until it shuts itself off. You cannot ruin a batch!

1.) We recommend that you always test the water with the EC-3 meter before starting a batch. Distilled water should read 000-003 µS. The purer the water, the better the CS. The Silvonic Pro constantly measures conductivity and shuts off quickly in water with minerals. RO or de-ionized may have particles not detected by the meter that form unwanted compounds that will settle to the bottom. As the device puts silver ions and particles in the water, the conductivity rises. When it reaches around 12 µS., it shuts itself off.

2.) Use a glass container (8-32 oz, 16 oz ideal. Batches larger than 32 oz need stirring). Rinse container with distilled water to remove soap residue and fingerprints. Add enough water to cover the maximum amount of silver without touching the electrode sockets (about 1/2” below the rim). Heating the water up to 100° F speeds the process but hotter may damage the circuitry and void the lifetime warranty.

3.) Insert the longer legs of the silver rods firmly into the sockets on the underside of the device. Align the U-shaped rods parallel to each other. You should not have to twist or bend the rods much to make them parallel.


4.) Set the Silvonic Pro on top of a glass container with a 2-3” opening. Submerge the rods as much as possible without getting the sockets wet.


5.) Connect the Silvonic Pro to the 110-240V AC power supply, or use the auxiliary power cable attached to 12-36V, eg a combination of 9V batteries.


Do not press the programming button unless you want the CS to get stronger than the standard 10-12 ppm. The green/red LED will light up faintly and change color/polarity every 5 minutes. This SWAP technique minimizes build-up on the rods and eliminates the need to stir batches under 32 oz, as well as making the electrodes wear evenly. NOTE: the LED will not light up unless the electrodes are in the water. LED brightness indicates current flow. When the Silvonic Pro detects enough conductive silver ions in the water (about 12 µS/ppm), the light goes out. Check the strength. Restart and add strength if desired with the program button. As the solution stabilizes, the reading may drop a few points. Clear colloidal silver from 5-15 µS/ppm works best internally because it has nano-size particles and highest ratio of ions, remains stable longer, does not build up in the body, and tolerates light.


Brewing time: It may take several hours to make a batch. Adding a little CS from a previous batch will speed up the process. The purer and colder the water, the longer it takes. Batches larger than 32 oz will benefit from stirring to prevent clumping. For optimal quality, make pint (16 oz/.5L) or smaller batches. Faster CS Generators cannot make the Silvonic Pro’s clear, nano-particle CS with high ionic content.

Note: To restart the Silvonic Pro, disconnect the power, wait about 5 seconds and reconnect to power.

Thermal Stirring: Making 32 oz or less does not require stirring but it may improve the CS. Painting or applying dark tape to one side of the container and exposing to sun or a nearby light (eg, desk lamp) will stir the water by creating a temperature differential as warm water rises and cooler sinks.

CS strength: Strength matters less than particle size and ionic proportion. Meters only give a rough approximation of strength. Instead of making stronger colloidal silver to use internally, just use more nano-sized 5-15 ppm Silvonic CS. When in doubt, take more!

Many opinions exist about how to measure the strength of CS and many variables affect meter readings. TDS meters read low when testing CS by as much as 50% because they have a calibration factor for salt. The EC-3 conductivity meter µS reading equates to ppm.

5-15 µS/ppm CS has optimal particle size and should have little color. Yellow CS has large particles not optimal for internal use but works externally on wounds, burns, bites, fungus, eyes, dandruff, etc. The Silvonic Pro can make 35 ppm CS that has little to no color, proving the superiority of the internal circuitry and advanced design.

Making stronger CS: Once the process starts, you can add time to the process by briefly (less than a second) pressing the programming button. Each press adds an additional brew step, adding about 2 µS per 16 oz. The yellow LED will flash, indicating that it has accepted the programming. Once the CS has reached the automatic shut-off point of around 12 µS, it will flash the number of times the button was pushed. This countdown continues until all the lights go off. Check strength with the EC-3 meter.

To make the batch stronger once it has shut off, disconnect the power, wait at least 3 seconds, reconnect power, wait another 3 seconds and then press the button briefly. The yellow LED will blink once, stay on briefly and then shut off. After a short time the LED will flash the number of times you have pressed the button. If the green LED goes off before you can use the programming button, you can remove the device from the jar, do the power off reset, and then press the button. The yellow LED will show that it has entered the Manual mode. Put the device on the jar. Additional button pushes will add about 2 µS per 16 oz. The green/red LED will still cycle.

Direct Current (DC) Mode: To make structured water* or to make CS with “bad” water, press the button at any time for at least 5 seconds. In DC mode, the yellow LED stays off and the green/red LED stays green.

Making Structured Microcluster Water:


Set the Silvonic Pro on top of 2 glasses with a rod in each glass and a cotton wick bridging the 2 glasses. Drink the water in the left glass.

Take 2 glass or plastic containers (not  metal) and fill them with water which contains minerals or enough salt in distilled water to read around 50 . Create a conductive bridge between the 2 glasses with a cloth strip with one end in each container of water. It should get saturated quickly.  Put one silver electrode in each container by straddling the device over the 2 cups. Plug in the power to the Silvonic Pro. The green light should come on. After 5 seconds, engage the Manual DC Mode by holding the program button down for at least 5 seconds. The left yellow LED should stay off and the right LED should stay green and not change to red after 5 minutes as in normal SWAP mode. Run the device for around 5 minutes. NOTE: Only drink the water in the left (negative) glass. The electrode on the same side as the yellow LED is negative when the green light is on. Throw the other water away or use it externally or on plants. (You can use tap water in the right positive glass instead of saline.)

While you can run the system as long as you like, it probably does not improve after about 5 minutes.

Making Structured Microcluster Water with Redox Signaling Molecules (like the outrageously expensive ASEA product).

NOTE: We do not know for a fact that ASEA uses this technique to make their product or even if the term “redox signaling molecule” has any scientific meaning. Their patent.

Use the above procedure but fill the cups with distilled water and add about 1/8 tsp salt to 1 cup water. It should read around 700 ppm* on the meter.

*You can use less salt and still make structured water but it may not have the same levels of the elusive “redox signaling molecules.”

Electrode care: They will normally discolor from silver oxide (harmless). Wipe the silver rods clean with a cloth. Do not scrub hard or use cleaners or polish. Pure water prevents black build-up and sediment (not harmful). Decant or run thru a coffee filter if desired. The electrodes can make about 100 gallons of 10 µS/ppm CS.

Storage: The CS you make with the Silvonic Pro will stay potent and stable for a long time (months to years if stored in glass at room temp) but works best when used fresh. Check it with the meter for approximate strength.

Do not refrigerate or freeze. Light will not harm properly brewed CS made with pure distilled water. Store in a non-metal container. We prefer glass, but you can use good quality plastic like recyclable #1 “PETE”.

Color: Ideally clear to pale yellow. Various environmental factors and contaminants can make CS turn colors. Note: Distilled water may read 000 and still have non-conductive particles which can produce color and residue. Store distilled water in glass to avoid leaching plastic which can affect the CS quality.

Using the Silvonic Pro with other power sources: Connect the auxiliary power cable’s clips to any source of 12-36 volts AC or DC. Polarity does not matter. You cannot hook it up wrong. For example, 2, 3, or 4 nine volt batteries hooked together in series, solar panels, automobile batteries, and most wall chargers work.


Quick test and reset for Silvonic Pro CS Generators:
Disconnect from power. Rotate silver rods so they touch. Holding them in contact (you won’t get a shock), connect power and watch the green/red light. It should come on for a few seconds and shut off. If it does, the device functions properly, and you should consider the other variables, eg water quality, jar cleanliness, water level and/or temperature, etc. (See maintenance tips below.)

If the light does not come on, and you know that the wall outlet has power, try using 18-36V AC or DC (eg, 2-4 9V batteries in series) with the auxiliary cable. If that works, you need a new power supply. If it still does not turn on, contact us.

If the green/red light comes on but does not turn off in a few seconds, contact us.

General maintenance tips:

Scrub the rods lightly with a plastic pad, cloth, etc. They do not have to shine. NOTE: If you use good distilled water, the rods will seldom need cleaning.

Scrub the glass container to remove any build-up on the sides and bottom. Rinse it well with distilled* water. Fill the jar with good distilled* water to cover the rods without touching the plastic sockets.

*Good distilled water should read no more than 3 µS/TDS (ideally 0) with the meter. NOTE: If you buy distilled water in plastic containers, transfer it into glass if you plan on keeping it for very long. Distilled water leaches plastic over time and will contaminate your CS even though the meter reads 0.

NOTE: A pint (16 oz/.5L) jar works best, but up to a quart (32 oz/1L) works without stirring but takes longer and may have more residue on the bottom. You can speed up the brewing process by keeping the water warm (not more than 100º F) and/or by adding enough previously made CS to bring the initial reading up to 4-5µS.

If you need to make larger quantities than 1 quart, we have the Silvonic Turbo which can make a half gallon (64 oz/2L in around 3 hours or a gallon in 4-5 hours without stirring.

We will repair or replace any Silvonic control unit as needed at no charge** to you. If you want to send the Silvonic back contact us first. Once we receive it, we will contact you to let you know what we find. Make sure to enclose your contact info, etc. Note: We do not cover shipping costs.

**Warranty void if back opened, physically damaged by moisture, wrong power, or misuse.

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