Here’s how the late Michael Hutchison describes the experience of using mind machines in Megabrain:
“You sit down comfortably, don the electrical headgear, flip a switch, close your eyes and sink into a state of what seems like deep relaxation. A half hour later, as you turn off the machine, you feel extremely alert and lucid.
Your brain is now functioning more effectively than it was before. Your memory, both your ability to memorize new information and to recall information you have already learned, has increased dramatically. Your ability to think creatively and to solve problems has expanded. The speed with which your brain cells pass messages among themselves has increased. In fact, many of your brain cells have actually grown a microscopic amount and examination would show that the brain cells have developed more dendrites, the branching filaments that carry messages from one cell to another, as well as more synapses, the junctures between the brain cells across which impulses are transmitted. You are more intelligent than you were a half hour before.
Such devices now exist and are being used by increasing numbers of people.”
So begins Michael Hutchison’s book Megabrain (“Mega” derived from the Greek word for great or powerful).

Multi-colored glasses from one of our Mind Machines.
A Key to a Lucid Life
For nearly 30 years, we have researched, designed, and marketed Mind Machines as well as trained people to use these amazing tools. You don’t know what you’ve missed until you experience the profound changes in your alertness, creativity, memory, and happiness that can result from 30 minutes a day with one of these systems!
Depression, insomnia, anxiety, and related conditions have many possible causes including diet, exercise, and underlying subconscious programming. CES (Cranial Electrical Stimulation) and Audio/Visual Brainwave Entrainment (AVE) light/sound devices can help.
How it Works
CES works by balancing neurotransmitters. If your condition involves an imbalance of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, etc), you will experience positive changes within a week or so although some users will notice immediate improvements. All CES devices will have this effect. Some devices may work better than others but no studies exist that compare individual devices, so we have no good way of determining which works best. You can only find out if CES will work for you by using one every day for at least 2 weeks.
Our basic CES device, the CES Ultra, pulses at 100hz (beats per second). It feels like a tingling and does not significantly alter one’s state of awareness directly. Other CES devices (BT-8, Fisher Wallace,etc) although having somewhat different stimulus specifications, have basically the same effects as the CES Ultra even though they cost more.
CES can help with all kinds of conditions. It may fix things completely or partially or have no effect at all that one notices. It may solve a particular condition for one user and not for another with the “same” issues. Ultimately you just have to try one and evaluate the results as you go. We have a liberal return policy so you can try it at little financial risk.
Take it to the Next Level
The next level CES devices have additional settings for other pulse repetition rates. The Oasis Pro and Delight Pro (essentially the CES functions of the Oasis Pro with the addition of pulsing lights and sounds for faster and deeper brain wave entrainment) both have the 100hz CES setting but also allow the user to use slower pulse repetition rates that entrain brain wave rhythms. Both of these advanced devices have pre-programmed sessions that can increase beta (10-15 hz) activity for focus/attention, alpha (7-10hz) for relaxation and flow, theta (4-7hz) for deep relaxation, meditation, and hypnosis/trance, and delta (0-6hz) sedation for sleep and anxiety.
These combination CES/AVE entrainment devices have the advantage over other CES devices because they give the user more opportunities to use this modality throughout the day. Typically you would do a 20-40 minute 100hz session in the morning like taking vitamins and possibly another in the afternoon. If you feel unfocused, a beta session will help clear the cobwebs and wake you up. People with ADD will feel calmer and more focussed after a brief (5-15 minute) beta session. (Note: while the Oasis Pro CES will have this effect, the Delight Pro’s lights and sounds will work faster and more powerfully.) If you want to get into the “flow” for athletic performance, music, creativity, etc, use an alpha session. Delta sessions feel like taking a sedative and help when you feel anxious or need help falling asleep.
Try it Out
While any of our CES devices (CES Ultra, etc) will help, the Delight Pro offers the most possibilities because it combines CES with pulsing lights and sounds. If you do not want the light/sound, get the Oasis Pro CES, the most advanced and versatile device available.
We highly recommend HPP audio tracks used with the Delight Pro, specifically Changing Emotions.
You can also consider biofeedback/neurofeedback devices like the WaveRider and ThoughtStream GSR. The easy-to-use software tells you when you’ve reached the desired state of mind and the effects last and become second nature with time. We hope that more parents and educators will try these non-invasive approaches before resorting to drugs.
We realize that you may find this information confusing and have many questions. Please feel free to contact us for advice.