
The Quest for Excellence: Maximizing Performance for Business, Sports & the Arts

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If you are looking for a PEAK PERFORMANCE LIFESTYLE, it’s time to let the power of the subconscious get you to the next level.

Each 30-minute Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP) track weaves a series of parable-like stories that gently overload the listener’s conscious mind. Known as dual induction, this technique shuts down the logical part of the mind and allows for a deep state of relaxation ideal for the absorption of positive suggestions by the listener’s subconscious mind. Users report positive results after a few sessions. Changes appear spontaneously, naturally at the right times, in the right places, and with the right people.

Original price was: $35.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Downloadable MP3 set:
Track 1: Goal Setting
Track 2: Confidence
Track 3: Maximizing Performance
Track 4: Handling Pressure

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For more MP3 sets, see "Additional Titles" under tabs below.


Enjoy Peak Performance in every aspect of your life!

Successful athletes, business entrepreneurs and artists all have two characteristics in common – the ability to set realistic goals and the motivation to develop the skills and strategies necessary to attain those goals. Successful people continually create the positive outcomes that they want in life. Temporary setbacks and disappointments never deter them from continuing to SEE WHAT THEY WANT AND GO AFTER IT.

The question is, how do they do this?

We all have skills, internal resources and experiences that make us different and special. When we can access them and organize them in a useful way, we find the success we want. Dr. Lloyd’s Glauberman’s revolutionary HPP method programs your subconscious mind to do just that. Combining both conscious and subconscious processes the Quest for Excellence taps into your best and organizes your thoughts, sensations, feelings and actions so that you spontaneously find yourself in a relaxed energized and focused state when you need to perform.

Quest for Excellence will give you the drive to achieve your life goals. Inner obstacles to success will spontaneously disappear – allowing your true potential to break through.

If you are looking for a PEAK PERFORMANCE LIFESTYLE, it’s time to let the power of the subconscious get you to the next level. Program yourself for success with Quest for Excellence.

Downloadable MP3 set:
Track 1: Goal Setting
Track 2: Confidence
Track 3: Maximizing Performance
Track 4: Handling Pressure

Note: The HPP (Hypno-Peripheral Processing) technique uses 2 audible stories delivered simultaneously through stereo headphones, one in the left ear and the other in the right. This confuses the conscious mind and encourages it to go to sleep. In order for the messages in the stories to have the desired effect of changing negative unconscious scripts, the conscious mind which can block them must disappear. If you find yourself aware and awake during the session, they won’t work.

We recommend that you use the HPP audio when you feel tired, or, better still, use them with a brainwave entrainment device running a Theta session which causes you to lose track of time. At the end of the session, it should feel like you went to sleep and that only about 5 minutes elapsed.

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