
Feeling Better: Mind/Body Connections

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Whether you are struggling to improve your health or are looking to remain in a state of well-being, this is a “must have” program for you.

Each 30-minute Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP) track weaves a series of parable-like stories that gently overload the listener’s conscious mind. Known as dual induction, this technique shuts down the logical part of the mind and allows for a deep state of relaxation ideal for the absorption of positive suggestions by the listener’s subconscious mind. Users report positive results after a few sessions. Changes appear spontaneously, naturally at the right times, in the right places, and with the right people.

Original price was: $35.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Downloadable MP3 set:
Track 1: Learning to Boost Your Immune System
Track 2: Healing
Track 3:  Staying Healthy
Track 4: Taking Charge of Your Life

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Research has shown that our thoughts and emotions play an important role, not only in the way we feel but whether we are healthy or sick.

Feeling Better: Mind/Body Connections stimulates the neurological and biochemical pathways – the inherent wisdom that is contained in mind/bodies – that can improve health and well-being. Coupled with the profound sense of relaxation generated by the HPP technology, this program focuses on keeping you stress free, healthy and vibrant.

In addition, building a positive belief system about yourself, developing effective lifestyle management skills and tapping into your personal power are components of the Feeling Better/ Mind Body Connections program.

If you have been struggling to improve your health or are looking to remain in a state of well-being, this is a “must have” program for you.

Downloadable MP3 set:
Track 1: Learning to Boost Your Immune System
Track 2: Healing
Track 3:  Staying Healthy
Track 4: Taking Charge of Your Life

Note: The HPP (Hypno-Peripheral Processing) technique uses 2 audible stories delivered simultaneously through stereo headphones, one in the left ear and the other in the right. This confuses the conscious mind and encourages it to go to sleep. In order for the messages in the stories to have the desired effect of changing negative unconscious scripts, the conscious mind which can block them must disappear. If you find yourself aware and awake during the session, they won’t work.

We recommend that you use the HPP audio when you feel tired, or, better still, use them with a brainwave entrainment device running a Theta session which causes you to lose track of time. At the end of the session, it should feel like you went to sleep and that only about 5 minutes elapsed.

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