
Brain Lightning

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Brain Nutrition and Protection During Times of Change and Stress
For Deficits in Attention, Focus, Concentration, Memory and Neuronal Nutrition
For Age-Related Loss of Function for Those Over the Age of 35


1 package of 90 vegi-caps $99.95
Save $30 and buy three 90 vegi-caps at $89.95  for $269.85

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Brain Lightning: For focus, memory, clarity

The best mental performance booster at the best price we know of! Brain Nutrition and Protection During Times of Change and Stress. For Deficits in Attention, Focus, Concentration, Memory and Neuronal Nutrition. For Age-Related Loss of Function for Those Over the Age of 35. MAXIMIZE YOUR AWARENESS AND FOCUS POTENTIAL IN DAILY LIFE!. On the Job – Keeping That Needed “Edge”. At School – Maximize Learning.

“A proprietary, synergistic, balanced blend of Huperzine A, Vinpocetine, DMAE, Trimethylglycine (TMG), DL Phenylalanine, GABA, L-Tyrosine, Gingko Biloba, and Pregnenolone, supported by a wide spectrum of specific vitamins and minerals of the highest natural quality, providing superior supplementation with little or no “biological noise” or hyperstimulation.” Experience very profound performance and consistent results. Professional Grade, No Animal Derived Constituents. Safe, Effective and Consistent. Improves mental performance, focus and concentration. World’s Best Since 1999!

“This really works. I have definitely noticed an improvement in work output, motivation, follow-through, and creativity. Try some!” Phil Safier, Pres. Elixa

A Highly Consistent and Effective Formulation 

The ingredients in Brain Lightning have been shown by many studies to profoundly enhance neurological functions and memory . This synergistic formulation contains a proprietary blend of the leading nootropic nutrients available. Brain Lightning is a proprietary, synergistic blend of Huperzine A,Vinpocetine, Trimethylglycine (TMG), DL Phenylalanine (DLPA), GABA, DMAE, L-Tyrosine, Gingko Biloba, Pregnenolone, supported by Magnesium, Thiamin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine 5 Phosphate), Niacin (non-flushing, as niacinamide), Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin and Selenium (as Organic Selenomethionine). These ingredients are synergistically blended in thresholds guaranteed to be both safe and effective, unlike some other nootropic products on the market.

This product cannot be duplicated in its performance because of the special proprietary blend of ingredients. Product knock-offs which will inevitably appear will not work the same, because the ingredients cannot be combined in just any amounts in order to work correctly together, nor are they guaranteed to be the best and most natural, as they are in Brain Lightning. Best of all, this product was created in the spirit of positive intent. There is little “biological noise” with Brain Lightning, compared to choline-based formulae. Our formulation is yeast free and fluoride free. It won’t make you feel “dopey” like many choline-based formulae on the market.

Contraindications: This product is NOT intended for children, people with PKU (phenylketonuria), or pregnant/lactating women. If you have high blood pressure, hemophilia, heart problems, pre-existing pigmented malignant melanoma, migraine headaches , or are taking blood thinning medication or other prescription drugs, use only under the guidance of a physician. Do NOT take this formulation with MAO inhibitor anti- depressants. Persons with circulatory or blood pressure concerns, see below.

Suggested Use: As a dietary neurological supplement, take three (3) capsules daily to achieve the optimum neurophysiological effect. Take on empty stomach or between meals, followed by two glasses of water. Dosage may be increased or decreased to achieve desired result. Persons with circulatory or blood pressure concerns may begin with 1 vegi-capsule 3x per day and consult your health professional about use.

Brain Lightning Contains

One (1) Bottle of 90 vegi-caps

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