
How Silver Works Against Viruses

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Viruses were “discovered” by a succession of scientists in the late 19th century. They are very small, in fact, about 100 times smaller than bacteria and can only be seen by the human eye under an electron microscope. They are measured in terms of nanometers. Each nanometer is one billionth of a meter.

Viruses are extremely simple entities. Unlike their more complex bacterial counterparts, they do not possess their own means of reproduction. Viruses are reliant on a living host to replicate. They can remain dormant for long periods of time, until they find a suitable environment. Then they invade the body of a cell, assume control of its genetic code and cause it to begin replicating the virus.

Another important difference between viruses and bacteria is that some bacteria (called probiotics) are beneficial to human beings; but viruses are never anything but destructive.

As seen under a microscope, a virus’ simple construction consists of a tiny bit of genetic material surrounded by a simple protein shell.

These facts make viruses seemingly elusive to conventional medical treatments. Allopathic antibiotics will not kill a virus. These antibiotics only work on living microorganisms with a respiratory system.

In a research abstract from the University of Hong Kong, scientists examining the action of silver particles on the Hepatitis B virus “hypothesize that the direct interaction between these nanoparticles and HBV double-stranded DNA or viral particles is responsible for their antiviral mechanism.”

Colloidal silver appears to have a protective action on human T-cells, preventing their penetration by hostile microorganisms. According to research, silver nanoparticles prevent infection, even from the most feared viruses, including AIDS.

As seen in this research abstract from The Journal of Nanobiotechnology, entitled “Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1,” the size of the particles is a critical factor where viruses are concerned. Only silver nano-particles, smaller than the virus, are small enough to bond with and destroy them.

Specially calibrated colloidal silver generators create particles of between 0 and 10 nanometers. These silver particles are small enough to bond with viruses and interfere with their ability to penetrate cells.


Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China. “Silver nanoparticles inhibit hepatitis B virus replication.”

The Journal of Nanobiotechnology, “Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1.”


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