
Dr. Bob Beck on Blood Electrification for Cleansing, Parasite Zapping, Neutralization of HIV, Etc.

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Important Note of Caution:: The statements below represent the opinion of the author and may not have enough scientific validation to warrant drawing any conclusions as to efficacy. If you decide to try any of these experimental techniques, you do so at your own risk. Many bona fide health care providers use and recommend these modalities, but you should check with your doctor before you change or make additions to your treatment regime.
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A Proposed Experimental/Theoretical, Noninvasive, Nonpharmaceutical, In Vivo Method for Rapid Neutralization of HIV Virus in Human Subjects
Revision September 26, 1995 Copyright 1996 by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

In a remarkable discovery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, N.Y.C. in 1990, it was shown that a minute current (50 to 100 MICRO amperes) can alter outer protein layers of HIV virus in a petri dish so as to prevent its subsequent attachment to receptor sites. (SCIENCE NEWS, March 30, 1991 page 207.) It may also reverse Epstein Barr (chronic fatigue syndrome), hepatitis, and herpes B. HIV positive users of this enclosed information may expect a NEGATIVE p24 surface antigen or PCR test (no more HIV detectable in blood) after 30 days. This is reminiscent of a well proven cure for snakebite by application of electric current that instantly neutralizes the venom’s toxicity. (LANCET, July 26, 1986, page 229.) And there may be several other as yet undiscovered or untested viruses neutralizable with this discovery.

This very simple blood clearing treatment offered great promise as a positive method for immobilizing known strains of HIV still present and contaminating some European and US blood bank reserve supplies. It was further suggested that infected human HIV carriers could be cured by removing their blood, treating it electrically and returning it by methods similar to dialysis. Dr. Steven Kaali, MD, projected that “years of testing will be in order before such an in vitro (blood removed for treatment) device can be made ready for widespread use” (LONGEVITY, Dec. 1992, page 14.) This paper reveals a “do-it-yourself” approach for healing involving no medical costs or dialysis.

In the writer’s opinion both blood and lymph can be cleared in vitro (which means blood isn’t removed) simply, rapidly, and inexpensively with similar but NON-INVASIVE techniques described herein. All are fully disclosed in this paper. This paper includes all necessary schematics, parts lists, and instructions. Electronic and controlled electroporation approaches may well make vaccines (even if possible someday), pharmaceuticals, supplements, oxygen and diet therapies, plus other proposed remedies obsolete, even if they worked and were free.

In a public lecture (Oct. 19, 1991) the writer’s opinion proposed this theoretical do-it-yourself method for accomplishing HIV “neutralization” in vivo. Subsequently, his original modalities and protocols have been extensively peer reviewed, refined, simplified and made universally affordable (under $75 for both devices including batteries when self-made). These two simple treatments used in tandem can potentially nullify well over 95% (and perhaps 100%) of known HIV strains residing in both blood, lymph, and other body tissue and fluids. Following is a summary of two years of offshore feedback with this non-iatrogenic, do-it yourself, simple and inexpensive experimental solution to the ever escalating AIDS dilemma. There are no known side effects since milliampere currents are much lower than those in FDA approved TENS, CES and muscle stimulators which have been in daily use for many years. Battery replacement costs are under 25¢ per month per user or about 1¢ per day for a typical 21 day “spontaneous remission”. No doctors, pharmaceuticals, ozone, or other intervention appears necessary.

The pocket-sized, battery-powered, blood clearing instrument is basically a miniature relay driven by a timer chip set to ~0.67 Hertz. Its 0 to 36V user adjustable biphasic output minimizes electrode site irritation. The described system delivers stimulation through normally circulating blood via electrodes placed at selected sites (such as one electrode behind ankle bone on inside of foot and another identically located on opposite foot) over the sural, popliteal, posterior tibial, or peronal arteries where the subjects’ veins and arteries are accessibly close to the surface. Optimum electrode positions are reliably located by feeling pulse. (Micro current treatment is of such low amplitude that it creates no discomfort when used as directed and is demonstrated to have no harmful side effects on healthy blood cells or tissue. A major obstacle to this simple and obvious solution is disbelief, and subjects must assume responsibility for their own health — a “heresy” in today’s society where we’re conditioned to look for answers only to a medical establishment that has no current knowledge remotely promising “cures” for numerous well known terminal diseases.

Using neutralization approximately 8 to 20 minutes per day for about three or four weeks should in the writer’s opinion effectively immobilize well over 95% of any HIV and simultaneously any other electrosensitive viruses in blood. In heavy infections, shorter application times could prevent overloading patient with toxins. Simply treat for a greater number of days. In time, the restored immune system will handle residual problems. In the special case of impaired circulation due to diabetes, longer treatment times may be indicated. Immobilized viruses may be expelled naturally through kidneys and liver. More rapid neutralization is easily possible but not recommended because of potential excessive toxic elimination reactions. (Herxheimer’s syndrome). T-cell counts may drop initially (because of lysing and subsequent scavenging by macrophages) but should recover to over 200 within 90 days.

Latent / germinating HIV reservoirs in the body’s lymph or other tissue may theoretically be neutralized with a second and separate device by the strategy of generating a very high intensity (~19 kilogauss) short duration (~10 µS) magnetic pulse of >35 joules by discharging a modified strobe light’s capacitor through an applicator coil held at body points over lymph nodes and other possible internal sites of infection. By the physics of Eddy current / back emf “transformer action” (Lenz’ law) the desired criteria of minimum current induced through infected tissue on the order of 50 to 100 µA should be readily attained. Several pulses repeated at each site may insure a reliable “overkill” for successful HIV neutralization. A magnetic “pulser” is very inexpensive and simple to build.

These “theoretical solutions” are being disclosed under constitutional freedom of speech guarantees in spite of extensively organized hostile opposition to non-pharmaceutical cures. Data can be legally offered only as “theoretical” and no medical claims can be made or implied. See your health professional! Anyone at his discretion and assumed responsibility should be free to build, use (on himself) and network his “research” results.

Expanded Instructions for Experimental / Theoretical HIV Blood Neutralization: Hypothetical Protocols for Experimental Sessions
Revision Dec. 18, 1995.

Precautions: Do not use on subjects with cardiac pacemakers. Any applied electrical signals may interfere with “demand” type heart pacers and cause malfunction. Do not use on pregnant women, while driving or using hazardous machinery.

Users must avoid ingesting anything containing medicinal herbs, foreign or domestic, or potentially toxic medication, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, laxatives, tonics, etc., and certain vitamins for one week before starting because blood electrification can cause electroporation which makes cell membranes pervious to small quantities of normally harmless chemicals in plasma. The effect is the same as extreme overdosing which might be lethal. See Electroporation: a General Phenomenon for Manipulating Cells and Tissues; J.C. Weaver, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:426-435 (1993). Effects can mimic increasing dosages many fold. Both the magnetic pulser and blood purifier cause electroporation.

Do not place electrode pads over skin lesions, abrasions, new scars, cuts, eruptions, or sunburn. Do not advance output amplitude to uncomfortable levels. All subjects will vary. Do not fall asleep while using.

Do not place electrodes above waist. (See Exceptions.) Generally use only on feet so as to minimize possible current paths through unhealthy heart. The magnetic pulser should, however, be safe to use anywhere on body or head. Avoid ingesting alcohol 24 hours before using. Drink an 8 oz. glass of distilled water 15 minutes before and immediately following each session and drink at least four additional glasses daily for flushing during “neutralization” and for one week thereafter. This is imperative. Ignoring this can cause systemic damage.

If subject feels sluggish, faint, dizzy, headachy, nauseous, or has flu-like symptoms after exposures, reduce number of pulses per session and/or shorten applications of blood clearing. Use caution when treating patients with impaired kidney or liver function.

To avoid shock liability, use batteries only. Do not use any line-connected power supply, transformer, charger, battery eliminator, etc. with blood clearing device.  Line supplies are okay with well-insulated magnetic pulse generators (strobe lights).

Health professionals — Avoid nicotine addicts, vegetarians, and other unconsciously motivated death-wishers and their covert agendas of “defeat the healer”. Tobacco, the most addictive (4-H times more addictive than heroin) and deadly substance of abuse known, disrupts normal cardiovascular function. True vegetarian diets are missing essential amino acids absolutely necessary for the successful rebuilding of AIDS-ravaged tissues. Secondary gains (sympathy / martyrdom, free benefits, financial assistance, etc.) play large roles with AIDS patients. “Recovery guilt” as friends are dying has even precipitated suicide attempts masked as “accidents”. Avoid such entanglements.

Electrode Placement:   Locate maximum pulse position (not to be confused with acupuncture, reflexology, Chapman, etc. points) on each foot by feeling on inside of ankle ~1″ below and to rear of ankle bone, then feel top center of instep. Place electrode on whichever pulse site on that foot that feels strongest. Scrub skin over chosen sites with mild soap and water or alcohol swab. Wipe dry. Position the electrodes lengthwise along each left and right foot’s blood vessel. We presently prefer foot-to-foot electrode placements which will encompass about five times the volume of circulating blood undergoing pathogen neutralization compared to the earlier foot-to-back-of-same-knee placements originally suggested in our 1991 paper. Note: with subjects having perfectly healthy hearts and not wearing pacers, it is convenient to use left wrist to right wrist exactly over ulnar arterial pulse paths instead of feet. Wide rubber bands over wires at elbows keep leads out of the way when using hands. With electrode cable unplugged, turn switch ON and advance amplitude control to maximum.  Push momentary SW. 2 “Test” switch and see that the red and green light emitting diodes flash alternately. This verifies that polarity is reversing ~4 times per second (frequency is not critical) and that batteries are still good. If LED’s don’t light, replace all three 9V batteries. When the white incandescent bulb dims or appears yellowish, or relay isn’t clicking, replace all four AA cells. Zener diodes will extinguish LEDs when the three 9V battery’s initial 27V drops below 18V after extended use. If subject has a perfectly healthy heart, wrist-to-wrist placement is more convenient. Never use any electrode larger than 1-J” long by J” wide to avoid wasting current on surrounding tissue. Confine exactly to blood vessels only. Add a drop of salt water to each electrode’s cotton cover ~every 10 minutes to keep electrodes thoroughly saturated during entire session.

Now rotate amplitude control to minimum (counter-clockwise) and plug in electrode cable. Subject now advances dial slowly until he feels a “thumping” and tingling. Turn as high as tolerable but don’t advance amplitude to where it is ever uncomfortable. Adjust voltage periodically as he adapts or acclimates to current level after several minutes. If subject perspires, skin resistance may decrease because of moisture, so setting to a lower voltage for comfort is indicated. Otherwise It is normal to feel progressively less sensation with time. You may notice little or no sensation at full amplitude immediately, but feeling will begin building up to maximum after several minutes at which time amplitude must be decreased. Typical adapted electrode-to-electrode impedance is on the order of 2000W. Typical comfortable input (to skin) is ~3mA, and maximum tolerable input (full amplitude) is ~7 mA but this “reserve” limit is unnecessary and uncomfortable Current flowing through blood is very much lower than this external measurement because of series resistances through skin, tissue and blood vessel walls.

Apply blood neutralizer for about an hour daily for 21-30 days. Use judgment here. Carefully monitor subject’s reactions. For very heavy infections, go slower so as not to overload body’s toxic disposal capability. With circulation-impaired diabetics, etc., you may wish to extend session times up to 90 minutes to two hours. Again, have the subject drink lots of water. You may be overexposing if post treatment discomfort is felt.

Subjects may feel sleepy, sluggish, listless, nauseous, faint or headachy, or have flu-like reactions if neglecting sufficient water intake for flushing toxins. We interpret this as detoxification plus endorphin release due to electrification. Let them rest and stabilize for ~45 minutes before driving if indicated. If this detoxing becomes oppressive, treat every second day. Treating at least 21 times should “fractionate” both juvenile and maturing HIV to overlap maximum neutralization sensitivity windows and interrupt “budding” occurring during the HIV cells’ development cycles. Treatments also safely neutralize many other viruses, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and microbes in blood. See US patents # 5,091,152 5,139,684 5,188,738 5,328,451 and others as well as numerous valid medical studies which are presently little known or suppressed. Ingesting a few oz. of 5 to 20 parts per million of silver colloid solution daily can give subjects a “second intact immune system” and minimize or eliminate opportunistic infections during recovery phase. This miracle substance is pre-1938 technology, and unlike ozone is considered immune from FDA harassment. Silver colloid can EASILY be made at home electrolytically in minutes and in any desired quantities and parts per million strength for under 1¢ per gallon plus cost of distilled water. It is ridiculous to purchase it for high prices. Colloid has no side effects, and is known to rapidly eliminate or prevent hundreds of diseases. Silver colloids won’t produce drug resistant strains as will all other known antibiotics. No reasonable amount can overdose or injure users either topically, by ingestion, or medical professional injection.

Suggestions for Acquiring and Using an Inductively Coupled Magnetic Pulse Generator for Theoretical Lymph and Tissue HIV Neutralization
Revision December 18, 1995.
Note: These data are for informational and instructional purposes only and are not to be construed as medical advice. Consult with your licensed health practitioner.

To use, press fully insulated coil flat against body over lymph glands and other selected locations such as shown on page 11. Let strobe build up to full charge (about 10 seconds or longer between pulses) and fire coil while contacting each site. Subjects will feel no physical sensations except for light “thumps” during this phase of treatment. Exposure levels are considered safe because intensity of this magnetic pulser is much lower than Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Imaging in routine use on tens of thousands of patients. But should subject feel “headachy”, nauseous, sluggish, or display flu-like symptoms after exposures with either of these two devices, reduce number of pulses or duration of blood clearing process and drink more water. If immune system is very badly damaged, you may need to repeat all routines after several months to insure permanent and complete neutralization.When using, keep coil several feet away from credit cards, watches, magnetic tape, computers, floppy disks, homeopathic remedies, etc., since its powerful magnetic field can de-gauss and erase magnetic data as well as subtle energy potentized medicines. As an unanticipated serendipity, pulsers are reported to erase deeply rooted lymph and tissue pathology and possibly even classical “miasma’s” as well as many other microbes, fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Flash should preferably be used with AC power to save battery costs since you’ll only get about 40 full pulses per new set of alkaline batteries. For sanitary purposes, enclose coil in plastic zip-lock sandwich bag discarded after each user. When treating numerous subjects if there’s no AC adapter it is economical to purchase and utilize a small rechargeable 6V lead-acid “motorcycle” type storage battery.

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