
Essential Recipe for Health and Vitality

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Years of experimentation with numerous approaches to the quest for optimal health has led us to a simple set of nutrients that will meet the needs of most people. You can try them yourself with the assurance that they have brought relief and renewed vitality to many people and that, if not satisfied, we will gladly refund the purchase price.

The following items should be a part of everyone’s dietary program. Use them intensively at first to load your system. At the first sign of illness, increase your intake for a day or so and you will probably subvert it entirely or a least diminish its severity and duration.

1. Colloidal Silver: Enzymes also can eliminate undigested proteins which can set up auto-immune/allergic reactions. We have found that rinsing after brushing our teeth at night works well to reduce cavities and gum disease, as well as preventing illness. Keep it on hand for cuts, rashes, fungal infections, and other external uses.

2. Probiotics: A multi-organism mixture of live cultures of billions of friendly bacteria that should live in your colon and aid in digestion of food and elimination of pathogenic organisms that cause disease. Most yeast-fighting plans include some type of probiotics. We believe that our Friendly Colonizer has the best, most powerful blend of these beneficial organisms. If you’ve ever taken antibiotics, you need to re-establish strong colonies in your digestive tract!

3. Digestive Enzymes: Many people suffer from a lack of one or more enzymes. This results in bloating, allergies, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms. Try using these instead of antacids and other substances which interfere with the body’s proper balance. When you digest properly, you absorb nutrients and therefore have less need for other supplements. Enzymes also can eliminate undigested proteins which can set up auto-immune/allergic reactions.

4. Fulvic Minerals: The most bio-available and cost-effective way to get minerals.

5. Iodine: Many conditions, including gluten sensitivity, stem from a thyroid that needs iodine. Having sufficient iodine also protects against radiation.

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