“To everything, there is a season.”
3 decades of producing cutting-edge health products and information on natural methods of attaining optimal well-being have come to an end.
Elixa, Ltd. will stop selling new products as of 12/16/2022 in order to pursue a career in retirement.
We will continue to maintain our website as an ongoing source of natural health information and referrals as well as used gear, old stock, etc.
Information on the products we have sold will remain on display with links to suppliers.
We will continue to honor product warranties in a reasonable manner, typically by referring you to our suppliers.
We appreciate the positive feedback we have received through the decades of bringing effective and affordable tools for self-care.
We intend to remain available for consultation and conversation.
We wish you optimal health and strong spirits.
Phil & Arlene Safier
We believe that one must pay attention to physical, mental, and emotional issues to achieve optimal wellness and peak being. At Elixa, you will find products that go beyond simple maintenance and quick “cures”. We focus on the essentials that establish a strong foundation for vibrant living and adaptation to stress.
More on our philosophy in a short video.
Check out Elixa’s Facebook page for the occasional, usually enlightening post about ways you can keep yourself optimally healthy, happy, and long-lived without pharmaceuticals and bad advice from uninformed medical professionals.
- Colloidal Silver Generators: Make a powerful natural antibiotic to strengthen immune system, disinfect, speed healing … automatically!
- Healing Light Therapy: Relieve pain, speed healing, tone skin, reduce fat, treat infection, improve mood… Safe, effective, inexpensive.
- Nutrition Essentials: Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, increase focus, increase energy, improve sleep…
- Mind Machines: Increase focus, comprehension, productivity, happiness, flow, relaxation, improve sleep, reduce stress, change self-sabotaging programming, instantly meditate like a monk…
- Magnetic Therapy: PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy) for pain, healing, osteoporosis. Portable, safe. Better than ice for injuries!
Our Guarantee:
I personally guarantee your satisfaction with our products. If you try them and do not feel that they meet your expectations, please return them in 30 days for a refund*.
Phil Safier, President of Elixa, Ltd.
*(Less 15%. No refund on MP3s or nutrients.)
Featured Products
Colloidal Silver:
The natural antibiotic you can make automatically for pennies per ounce. Bolster your immune system. An essential part of emergency preparation. Safe to use every day as protection. Effective in large quantities when needed.
Cranial Electro Stimulation:
The safe, non-addicting alternative to anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and ADD meds.
Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Therapy (PEMF):
Safe, effective portable device relieves pain, improves circulation, combats osteoporosis, and more.
Therapeutic LED Lights:
Handheld arrays with healing wavelengths/colors to relieve pain, speed healing, reduce fat, and more.
Pulsed Light & Sound / Biofeedback:
Instant relaxation, focus, sleep, meditation.
Water/Food Enhancement:
Vital nutrients, energizing water ozonators and vortexers.